Department of Anatomy

Anitha M R. Estimation of Stature using Ulnar Length in living Adult Individuals in South Indian Population.

Rajitha V, Anitha M.R. Determination of Sex and age from Human Clavicles and its Radiographic Images. - Indian Journal of Anatomy / Volume 5 Number 1 / January –April 2016.

Vijayanath V Anitha .M.R. Personality Disordersa in Alcohol dependence Syndrome Individuals. - Journals of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine. Volume 38/No.2 April –June 2016. 188-192.

Anitha M.R. Estimation of Height from Percutaneous tibial length among south Indian Populatio.. IJCAP ___ Accepted for Publication. In December Issue

Anitha M R, Rajitha V, Deepti Shasthri, Panner Selvi, Rekha G; Mophometric analysis of articular surfaces of Talus; International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio sciences; 2(2); March April 2013;501-508.

Anittha M.R, Rekha G, Deepti Shasthri, Rajitha V Panner Selvi; study of the Jugular Foramen of the Human Skull in South Indian Region; Journal of Pharmaceutical and Bio analytical Sciences; Volume 2; Issue 2; April-June 2013; 3(2):67-7026-28.

Rekha G, Murali N, Geetha T, Deepthi S, Rajitha V, Panner Selvi G, Senthil Kumar B Anitha MR; Premature Centromere Division and Spontaneous Abortion; International Journal of Medical Toxicology and Forensic Medicine. 2013;3(2): 67-70

Panner Selvi G Senthil Kumar B, Rekha G, Rajitha V Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V, Nagesh K.R; Sex Determination By Acetabulum-Pubis Index; International Journal of Universal Pharmacy and Bio Sciences 2(3): May-June 2013;095-101

Venkatesh Patil, Rajeshawri R Surpur, Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V; study of Prevalence of Non-Polio Enteroviruses in children on 0-15 Years of Raichur District;; J.Pharma. Bioanal. Sci., Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Mar 2013, 1-12.

Venkatesh Patil, Rajeshwari R surour, Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V ; Prevalence of Non- Polio Enteroviruses In RAichur Region of Karnataka ; IJPBS; Volume 3; Issue 1 ; Jan-Mar ; 2013; 495-503.

Vijayanath. V, Anitha M.R; Outcome of Alcohol Dependence, Disability and Burden on care givers in the xociety; Journal of Pharmaceuticals and Scientific Inovation; JSPI 2 (1) Jan-Feb, 2013;10-14.

V. Vijayanath, M.R Anitha, G.M.Raju, S.N Vijayamahantesh; Cephalic index of the western Indian population: A preliminary study; Journal of South India Medicolegal Association 4 (2012)15-18.

Geetha R.L, Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V, KavithaG.U; Spectrum of Histopathological lesions in appendix in a tertiary care centre at Bangalore; Journal of medical research and practice; January 2012 Volume no 1 Issue 1 .page 1-2.

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R, Raju G.M, Vijayamahantesh, S.N; Forensic View on Aluminium Phosphide Poisoning; J Indian Acad Forensic Med. October-December 2011, Vol.33, No. 4; 289-29

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R, Raju G.M, and Vijayamahantesh S.N; Cephalic Index of Eastern part of Indian Population; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology; Vol 3; No.4; Oct – Dec 2010.

Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V Raju G.M, Vijayamahantesh S.N; Cephalic Index of North Indian Population; Anatomica Karnataka; Vol 5, (1) 2011;40-43.

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R, Raju G.M, Vijayamahantesh S.N; Cephalic Index of eastern part of Indian population; Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine and pathology; Vol 3, No 4; Oct-Dec 2010; 137-141.

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R Raju G.M, Vijayanath S.N; HIV and prison: International Journal of Forensic practice and Research ; Vol 1, No. 1: 2011.

Anitha M.R, Vijayanath V, Raju G.M, Vijayamahantesh S.N; Cephalic Index of South Indian Population; International Journal of Forensic practice Research;Vol 1, No.1: 2011.

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R; Raju G.M; Specialized scales for criminal responsibility assessments ; Journal of Academy of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology; 31 (4) : 409-412: 2009.

V. Vijayanath, M.R. Anitha ; G.M Raju; Infantile Sexuality and Psycho sexual development; Journal of South India Medicolegal Associateion; Vol 1, No. 2; 79-78; 2009.

Vijayanath V Anitha M.R; Raju G.M; Cephalic View of Cephalic Index; J. Kar. Med. Leg.Soc; Vol 18. No.2;18-20;2009

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R; Raju G.M; Disulfiram Ethanol reaction. Indian Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology. Vol.7, No. 2, 41-50 2009.

Vijayanath V, Anitha M.R, Rajan K Shah, Prakash Babladi, K.S.N. Reddy; Autopdy profil in cases of Hanging; Jounal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology; Vol. 26, No. 1; 19- 20;2009.

Vijayanath V, M.R. Anitha; Raju G.M; Genital Self Mutilation in a case of Erectile Disorder: A case report; Journal of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology; Vol 26, No.1;19- 20;2009.

RanjeethaShenoy, ArunBehl, Shantharam V.Lipoadenoma of parathyroid gland : report of a rare case.National Journal of Clinical Anatomy.2014;3 (2) : 96 – 99.

Shantharam V .Manjunath K.Y .ArunaN ,DeeptiShastri. Retromolar Foramen in South Indian Mandibles. Anatomica Karnataka. 2013; 7(1):34-37.

ShantharamV , K.Y. Manjunath, RoopaRaveendranath.A morphological study of the nerve of KuntzV. European Journal of Anatomy.2012; 16 (1): 57-67.

Shantharam V .ManjunathK.Y ,DeeptiShastri. Bony Bridging of the Mylohyoid Groove. Anatomica Karnataka . 2011; 5(3): 45-49.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma, Kulkarni M.N, R N Kalghatgi. Bilateral LevatorGlandulaeThyroideae with Agenesis of Isthmus of Thyroid Gland- a Case Report.Anatomica Karnataka, 2012 Vol-6, (2): 81-84.

SunkeswariSreepadma, Chaithra Rao B R, Nandini B N, Veena Kulkarni, Rajeev Joshi.Fused Ribs- a Case Report. Int.J.Curr.Res.Aca.Rev.2015;3(2):71-74.

SunkeswariSreepadma, Chaithra Rao B R,Jaideep Ratkal, Veena Kulkarni, Rajeev Joshi. A rare case of Urachal Sinus. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Jul, Vol- 9(7): PD01-PD02.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma, Sandeep Patil.Valveless Veins of Face is Bane or Boon- a Case Report of Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis. International Journal of Research & Review. July 2016Vol.3; Issue: 7; 61-4.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma, Veena Kulkarni, Subhash K Deshpande. Anatomical variation of digastric muscle and its clinical implications. Int J Anat Res 2016, Vol 4(3):2882-85.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma. The study of the humerus and femur length as combined predictors of the gestational age of human fetuses using ultrasonography. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. June 2017, Vol 5 Issue 6: 1-5.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma, KalghatgiR N. The study of relation between the gestational age ofhuman fetuses and the diaphyseal length of femur using ultrasonography. Int J Anat Res 2017, 5(1):3342-49.

Chaithra Rao B R, SunkeswariSreepadma, Kalghatgi R N. The study of relation between the gestational age of human fetuses and the diaphyseal length of humerus using ultrasonography. National Journal of Clinical Anatomy 2017 Vol 6(4): 266-72

Swapnali Shamkumar, Varsha Miksha, Gyata Mehta, Geethanjali B S. Morphometric Evaluation of the Foramina Magnum and its Surgical Implications in Lateral Approaches Anatomic Karnataka December 2014; 8(3):7-11

Swapnali Shamkumar, Gyata Mehta, Varsha Miksha, K S Jayannti, Geethanjali B S. Bilateral Arc Axillaire : A case report Anatomica Karnataka August 2015; 9(1):6-8

Swapnali Shamkumar, P S Bhuiyan. Undescended Inferior Laryngeal Nerve: A Cadaveric Study International Journal of Health Sciences and Research January 2016;6(1): 176-179

Swapnali Shamkumar, PS Bhuiyan. Anatomic configurations of external branch of superior laryngeal nerve and superior thyroid artery: a study in cadavers International Journal of Current Research & Review August 2016;8(16): 5-8

Swapnali Shamkumar, Dr. PS Bhuiyan.Relationship between recurrent laryngeal nerve and inferior thyroid artery: A study in cadavers International Journal of Current Research September 2016;8(9): 38855-38857

Swapnali Shamkumar, Varsha Miksha Morphometry and Morphology of Occipital Condyle Related to The Transcondylar Approach in Dry Skulls International Journal of Anatomy & Research October 2018;6(4.1): 5830-5834

Tarakeshwari R, Roshni Bajpe. Case report on axillary arch. National journal of KIMS.2016;1(1).

Roshni Bajpe, Tarakeshwari R. Study of gantzer muscle. National journal of clinical anatomy.2016;

Department of Anaesthesia

A Randomized clinical study comparing the analgesic efficacy of intravenous patient controlled analgesia of morphine and fentanyl in post operative pain management of major surgeries-NJPPP vol 7,(12),2017.

Randomized clinical study comparing safety and efficacy of adjuvant intrathecal clonidine verses normal saline along with bupivacaine anaesthesia in lower limb surgeries-IJBCP Vol 6(12) 2017.

Non randomized controlled trial comparing the effectiveness of bioresorbable plates verses titanium miniplates in the managements of mandibular fractures under general anaesthesia JEMDS 6 (90) 2017.

Evaluation of distribution, pattern, etiology and treatments of maxillofacial injuries in a rural tertiary care center-IJD 6(3) 2018

Retrospective analysis of the effect of alcohol abuse and restraining devices on maxillofacial injuries- A study of 225 cases JEMDS 8 (47) 2019

Comparison of Tramadol and Pethidine for Control of Shivering Following Central Neuraxial Blockade- AAI Vol 5(1) 2020

A Study of patients fulfillment with reference to our hospital services- IJOS Vol 63) 2020

Comparison of ephedrine and phenylephrine in cesarean section JDMS

Reason for third molar extraction - A cross sectional retrospective study IJD Vol 15 (1) 2020

Department of Physiology

Prophylactic choline supplementation attenuates vascular cognitive impairment in rodent model of ischemic stroke. Indian Journal of Physiology Pharmacology ​.​ 2017; 61(3):246-255

Department of Biochemistry

A study on the prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in rural and urban women of Bangalore, India. International Journal of Biomedical Research. 2017; 8(02): 64-69.

Serum Paraoxonase activity and Oxidative Stress in Primary Hypertension. International Journal of Biomedical Research. 2017; 8(02): 92-96.

A study of serum levels of magnesium and C-Reactive Protein in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research,2017,3,309-314.

Knowledge and Awareness of Carcinoma Cervix and HPV in Rural and Urban Women of Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2017,8(3),148-152.

A Observational Analytical study on Serum Magnesium Level between Healthy & Type II Diabetic Patients at Medical College Ujjain, (MP), Indian Journal of Applied Research, 2016;6(6):586-588

Relationship between Inflammatory Marker (CRP) and the Risk of Type II Diabetes Mellitus in Pre-diabetic patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis, International Journal of Scientific Research, 2017;6(8):368

Department of Pathology

Spectrum of Lymph Node lesions by Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology : A Retrospective Analysis . Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017 : 4: 284-287

Cytological Evaluation of Two methods of Effusion Cell Block(CB) Preparations . Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 2017 : 4: 403-409.

Department of Pharmacology

A cross sectional study of drug promotional literatures in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 2016; 6 (1): 137-140

Drug disposing behavior and awareness of the concept of ecopharmacovigilance among the medical faculty. International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology (IJBCP) 2017; 6 (5): 1142-1145

Department of Microbiology

A Prospective Study Estimating the Mupirocin Resistance in Health Care Providers with MRSA Nasal Carriage in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural South India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2018; 7(01): 659-663.

Prevalence and Recent Trend in the Antibiogram of Staphylococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital in South India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2016; 5(12): 644-649

Seroprevalence and Recent Trends of Dengue in a Rural Area in South India. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2017; 6 (1) : 36-41

Isolation and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of Klebsiella pneumoniae from sputum samples in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research. 2016; 7 (2):53-57

Shilpa K, Ruby Thomas,RamyashreeAllaravapu .Isolation and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern of Klebsiellapneumoniae from sputum samples in a tertiary care hospital. International Journal of Biomedical and Advance Research. 2016; 7 (2):53-57

Ruby Thomas, K. Shilpa and AllavarapuRamyashree.Prevalence and Recent Trend in the Antibiogram of Staphylococcus Species Isolated from Clinical Specimens in a Rural Tertiary Care Hospital in South India.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences.2016;5(12) :644-649.

Ruby Thomas, K. Shilpa. Seroprevalence and Recent Trends of Dengue in a Rural Area in South India.International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 2017; 6 (1): 36-41

Sangeetha, K.T, S. Sreeja (corresponding author) and Ruby Thomas: A Prospective Study Estimating the Mupirocin Resistance in Health Care Providers with MRSA Nasal Carriage in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural South India Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci .2018 7(01): 659-663

Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern and Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase among Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates in a Tertiary Care Centre. Int J Curr Microbiol App Sci 2016 ; .5(4): 279-286.

Patterns of antimicrobial resistance among Multi-Drug resistant Escherichia coli in a tertiary care centre in South Karnataka. Indian J Microbiol Res 2017; 4(1): 52-58.

Inducible and Plasmid Mediated AmpC Beta-Lactamase among Klebsiella pneumoniae in a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of South India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2017; 6(2): 1665-1672.

Isolation and Identification of Dermatophytes from clinical samples-one year study. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2017 ;6(11): 1276-1281.

Role of Needle Aspiration in the Management of Peritonsillar Abscess. Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences. 2016; 4(7E):2600-2602

Vinay S Bhat, Anupama A. Role of Needle Aspiration in the Management of PeritonsillarAbscess.Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences, 2016; 4(7E):2600-2602

A. Anupama .Isolation and Identification of Dermatophytes from clinical samples-one year study: Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci.2017 6(11): 1276-1281.

K.R. ShamaTaj. Serological study of Toxoplasmosis by Line Immune assay in Women with Bad obstetric history. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences. 2019;8(1):531-538

K.R. ShamaTaj . Bacteriology and Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern of Ventilator–Associated Pneumonia in a Teritiary care Hospital. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2019; 8(1): 26-28

K.R. ShamaTaj .Serological Prevalence of rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus and treponema pallidum and human Defieciency Virus in antenatal women with bad obstetric history-A cross sectional study MedPulse international Journal of Microbiology.2019; 11(2): 28-34.

A Prospective Study Estimating the Mupirocin Resistance in Health Care Providers with MRSA Nasal Carriage in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural South India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 2018; 7(01): 659-663.

Sangeetha, K.T, S. Sreeja (corresponding author) and Ruby Thomas: A Prospective Study Estimating the Mupirocin Resistance in Health Care Providers with MRSA Nasal Carriage in a Tertiary Care Hospital in Rural South India . Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci 2018 7(01)

Kavya Ramamurthy, Sevitha Bhat, Shalini Shenoy. Xpert Mycobacterium Tuberculosis/Rifampicin Assay: A boon in Tuberculosis Diagnostics. Asian J Pharm Clin Res 2016:9(5); 225-227

Shalini Shenoy Mulki, Kavya Ramamurthy, Sevitha Bhat. Fecal Carriage of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase –producing Enterobacteriaceae in Intensive care unit patients.Indian j Crit Care Med 2017 Aug; 21(8): 525-527

S.R. Swarna,Kavya R, Vigneshkanna, Lavanya, Jeyakumari D. Team Based Revision in Competitive manner among Medical undergraduates for active learning in Microbiology-A Pilot Study. JMSCR; 8(6): 94-99

Kumar GK, Beena PM. Molecular characterization of Orientia tsutsugamushi in domestic rodents In Kolar region, Karnataka. Asian J. Epidemiol 2017;10: 123-127. DOI: 10.3923/aje.2017.123.127.

Kumar GK, Beena PM. Serological Prevalence of Scrub Typhus in Rural Teritiary Care Hospital in Kolar, Karnataka. Asian jr.of Microbiol.Biotech.Env.Sc. 2019; 21(1):102-105

Kumar GK, Beena PM. Genotypes of Orientia tsutsugamushi from Patients with Scrub Typhus in Kolar, Karnataka. Indian J Public Health Res and Dev.2019;10:1015-18

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Knowledge and Awareness of Carcinoma Cervix and HPV in Rural and Urban Women of Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development, 2017,8(3),148-152.

Department of Psychiatry

Internet addictive behaviors and subjective well-being among 1st-year medical students. Archives of Mental Health. 2018; 19(1): 24-29

Evaluation of correlation between Internet addiction and psychological status among first year medical students. International Journal of Indian Psychology. 2018; 6(2). 16-24.

Internet ​ usage pattern among first year medical students: A Cross-sectional study. MedPulse – International Journal of Psychology. 2018; 5(3): 22-25

The efficacy of Atomoxetine in treating adult Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Asian journal of Psychiatry, 2016; 24: 53-58.

What score in WHODAS 2.0 12-item version corresponds to 40% psychiatric disability? A comparative study against IDEAS: Journal of psychosocial rehabilitation and mental health. 2016; 3(1): 21-26.

Chandraprakash P, Suresh VC, Kumar AK, Silvia CR. Assessment of academic stress and its correlation with self-efficacy and coping style among undergraduate medical students. Indian J Soc Psychiatry 2020;36:203-7

Suresh VC, Poornima C, Anjana KK, Debata I. Assessment of brain dominance and its correlation with academic achievement among medical students: A cross-sectional study. Archives of Mental Health. 2020 Jan 1; 21(1):25.

Suresh VC, Anjana KKumar., Poornima.C.,Wilma Delphine Silvia CR. 2019. Evaluation of the Levels of Nomophobia and Academic Stress among Medical Students. International Journal of Indian Psychology. 2019:7(3), 34-41.

Anjana KK, Suresh VC, Poornima C, Madhuvan HS. An unusual presentation of neurocysticercosis as psychosis with tics. Archives of Mental Health. 2020 Jan 1;21(1):55.

Suresh VC, Silvia WD, Kshamaa HG, Nayak SB. Internet addictive behaviors and subjective well-being among 1st-year medical students. Archives of Mental Health. 2018 Jan 1;19(1):24.

Evaluation of correlation between Internet addiction and psychological status among first year medical students. International Journal of Indian Psychology. 2018; 6(2). 16-24.

Internet ​ usage pattern among first year medical students: A Cross-sectional study. Med Pulse – International Journal of Psychology. 2018; 5(3): 22-25

Loganathan S, Iyengar V, Chowdappa SV, Varghese M. Population trends and public awareness of healthy and pathological ageing in India: A brief overview. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2017 Oct 1;29:49-53.

Department of Community Medicine

Health seeking behaviour among tuberculosis patients registered under RNTCP Tumkur district, Karnataka. Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine. 2016; 2(2) : 146-151

A study on family planning methods among HIV sero discordant couples in Karnataka: National Journal of Community Medicine, 2016;7(6): 532-535.

A study on Syphilis screening in Karnataka: Indian Journal of Forensic and Community Medicine. 2016;3(3):176-179.

Study on internet usage pattern, internet addiction and levels of anxiety, stress, depression among medical and engineering students of Bengaluru city – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Ipsita Debata [ICMR-STS]

The Clinical Spectrum of chronic diarrhea in children in a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore, India- Dr. Sunil Kumar DR[ Dept of Community Medicine, AIMS&RC & Dept of Pediatrics, B.R. Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore.]

Study of DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid) Scintigraphy in children with urinary tract infection- Dr. Sunil Kumar DR [Dept of Community Medicine, AIMS&RC & Dept of Pediatrics, B.R. Ambedkar Medical College, Bangalore.]

A study to evaluate the behavioral dimension of “Nomophobia” and attitude toward smartphone usage among medical students in Bengaluru – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR [Dept of Community Medicine & Dept of Physiology, AIMS&RC, Devanahalli]

Psychometric behavioural correlates of problematic smart phone usage among medical students in Bengaluru – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR [Dept of Community Medicine & Dept of Physiology, AIMS&RC, Devanahalli]

A study on prevalence of overweight and obesity amongst school children of Bangalore – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Rohith M

Evaluation of Examination Stress among medical students using artificial intelligence based graphology and its correlation with salivary cortisol. – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR[Dept of Community Medicine & Dept of Biochemistry, AIMS&RC, Devanahalli, Dept of Neuro chemistry, NIMHANS.].

Assessment of exposure to household air pollution and its perceived health effects on women and their children in urban slums, Bangalore – Dr. Lakshmi H.

Assessment of patient compliance to the daily regimen of directly observed treatment short course therapy and factors influencing the compliance in Bangalore Rural District- Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Vidya R.

A study to assess the implementation of weekly iron and folic acid supplementation (WIFS) programme and its influencing factors in Bangalore Rural District – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Srividya J

A study on vaccine hesitancy for childhood vaccinations in urban slums of Karnataka – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Srividya J.

Prevalence of diabetes among the elderly in rural area of Bengaluru and assessment of risk factors of pulmonary tuberculosis among the Diabetics – Dr Chandani AK.

Assessment of mental health status among adolescents aged 10-14 years :a cross sectional study – Dr. Apoorva E Patel

Assessment of Dietary behavior, Hygiene and Physical Activity among high school children in Bengaluru Rural – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr.Lakshmi

A study on shorter drug resistant TB treatment regimen in Karnataka: Enablers and disablers for programme implementation – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Lakshmi H, Dr. Apoorva E Patel, Dr. Vidya R, Dr. Srividya J, Dr. Shakeela N.[Operational Research]

A study on accessibility, acceptability and affordability of Jan Aushadi Scheme in Karnataka – Dr. Apoorva E Patel [ICMR STS]

Chemoprophylaxis status among Medical Practitioners involved in the care of COVID 19 Suspect/ Confirmed cases in Karnataka – Dr. Sunil Kumar DR, Dr. Apoorva E Patel, Dr. Srividya J

Kumar S, Debata I. Study to assess internet usage patterns and prevalence of internet addiction among medical and engineering students of Bengaluru City. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5(6):2331-2337.

Debata I, Kumar S, Philip G. A cross sectional study evaluating Internet Addiction and Depression Levels among Medical and Engineering Students of Bengaluru City. Natl J Community Med 2018;9(5):346-350.

Bhaskar Shenoy, Sunil Kumar Dodderi. The Clinical spectrum of chronic diarrhoea in children in a tertiary care hospital in Bangalore, India. Int J ContempPediatr2018;5(4):1267-1271.

Shenoy B. Prasad M, Dodderi S.K. Study of 99m-Tc DMSA (Dimercaptosuccinic acid) Scintigraphy in children with urinary tract infection. Int J Pediatr Res 2018;5(5):292-299.

Nalini V Mallya, Sunil Kumar DR. Psychometric behavioural correlates of problematic smart phone usage among medical students in Bengaluru.MedPulse International Journal of Physiology. July 2018;7(1):15-19.

Mallya NV, Kumar DRS, Mashal S. A study to evaluate the behavioural dimensions of “Nomophobia”and attitude toward smartphone usage among medical students in Bengaluru. Natl J Physiol Pharm Pharmacol2018;8(11):1553-1557.

Sunil Kumar DR, Rohith M, Philip G. A study on prevalence of overweight and obesity amongst school children of Bangalore. Int J Community Med Public Health 2019;6:159-63.

Manchegowda R, Hulugappa L. Knowledge and attitude regarding breast feeding among lactating mothers in a rural area, Bellur. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:4870-3.

Hulugappa L, Ramegowda C. Impact of Health education on attitude regarding oral anti-diabetic drug adherence in type 2 diabetes mellitus, Bengaluru. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:4809-12.

Manchegowda R, Hulugappa L. Assessment of infant and young child feeding practices in a rural area. Int J Med Sci Public Health 2019;8(2):126-129.

Ramegowda C, Hulugappa L. Assessment of health education on knowledge regarding oral anti-diabetic drug adherence in urban area, Bengaluru. Int J Community Med Public Health 2020;7(1):232-5

Patel AE, Lalitha K, Rajaram D, Radhika K, Murthy NS. Quality of life among patients on MDR-TB Treatment in a district tuberculosis centre of a metropolitan city. Int J Community Med Public Health 2018;5:5355-9.

Hemanth Kumar SR, Mallikarjun S Khanpet, Apoorva E Patel. Prevalence of asymptomatic urinary abnormalities among students of a university – a cross sectional study. Med Pulse International Journal Of Medicine 2018;7(3):93-97.

Stress and eating – A one way path or circular? Perceived stress and its association with Body Mass Index among medical students in a medical college in South India. Chandani Ashok Kumar. International Journal of Advanced Community Medicine. Jan – March 2020; Vol 3(1):239-244.

A descriptive study on the lifestyle habits of undergraduate medical students. Chandani Ashok Kumar. Annals of Community Health. Apr- Jun 2020; vol 8 (2):25 –30.

Department of Otorhinilaryngology (ENT)

Clinical Evaluation and Management of Deep Neck Space Infections. IJHNS. 2017;8(3):1-5 .

Prospective study of Ludwig’s angina and its management. MedPulse International Journal of ENT. 2018; 5(2): 27-31.

Department of Ophtalmology