Disciplinary Committee Of AIMS&RC

The Disciplinary Committee of Akash Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Center was formed as per the orders of the Chairperson and secretary of the Akash Education and Developmental Trust in 2014.

Disciplinary procedures were laid out to make it mandatory that the rules are observed and standards are maintained. The primary purpose of the formation of this committee is encouragement of the employees to improve and not to be a means of meting out punishment to them.

Fairness and transparency are promoted by developing and using rules and procedures for handling disciplinary and grievance situations. Shortcomings of the individuals who come under this act can be dealt with under absolute confidentiality and pave the way for them to become effective again. The procedure shall be fair, effective, and consistently applied.

When drawing up and applying procedures, employers have kept in mind principles of fairness. Employees shall be informed of the allegations against them, together with the supporting evidence, in advance of the meeting and they will be given an opportunity to challenge the allegations before decisions are reached.

This committee has been entrusted with the following powers.

  1. Enquiry of any employee of the organisation under suspension or under the representation in writing.
  2. Disciplinary Committee is empowered to assess the standards and competencies of any employee periodically, irrespective of any length of service.
  3. Empowered for disciplinary action on the misconduct of both the employees and students.
  4. Authorised to institute the disciplinary measures for the students.
  5. The quantum of disciplinary action taken will be absolutely the prerogative of the Committee.

Disciplinary Committee Members

Sl. No Name and Designation Position in the Committee
1 Dr. D.S. Vasudeva, MD (Pathology), Principal Vice Chairman
2 Dr. Manju Prakash, Professor & HOD., Forensic Medicine Member Secretary
3 Dr. HB Veeranna, MD (Physiology), Medical Superintendent Member
4 Dr. Brijesh Kumar, DA, DNB (Anaesthesia),
Deputy Medical Superintendent
5 HOD General Medicine Member
6 HOD General Surgery Member
7 HOD Orthopaedics Member
8 HOD OBG Member
9 Dr. Ruby Thomas, Professor & HOD, Microbiology Member
10 Dr. Anitha, Associate Professor, Anatomy Member
11 Mrs. Amutha Selvi, Nursing Superintendent Member
12 Ms. Veena, Administrative Officer Member