Medical Experts

Dr. Sunil Kumar

Professor & HOD
Department of Community Medicine

Dr. SUNIL KUMAR D.R. MD( Community Medicine),JJMMC Davangere is a Public Health professional with 17 years of experience in the field of public health with special focus on STI, HIVIAIDS, TB, Covid-19 , Nutrition, Health policy and Public Health Research.

Currently working as Professor and Head ,Department of Community Medicine in Akash Institute of Medical Sciences and Research centre Bangalore.

He is the "President" of Indian Association of Adolescent Health,Karnataka Chapter and "Secretary" of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine(lAPSM), Karnataka Chapter.

Former Employee of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Govt of India National AIDS Control Organisation(NACO) for management of Care Support and Treatment programme(ART programme) in-charge of Karnataka , Kerala and Goa states from 2013-2015.

Former Deputy Director- STI/HIV care and Surveillance in Karnataka Health Promotion Trust(KHPT) funded by Bill & Melinda Gates foundation USAID and NACO.

Presented scientific papers at various national and international conferences and published 52 original research articles in various national and international journals with high impact factor.

Provided technical support to Srilankan and Bhutan Governments for implementation of STI/HIV programme in Srilanka and Bhutan in 2012-13.

Public Health Specialist involved in knowledge dissemination for high level delegates of foreign countries through India learning network and coordinated more than 15 countries visits to India.

Team member in developing module on guidelines for HIV/TB collaborative activities in India for Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Govt of India.

National level Master trainer for HIVIAIDS and STI. Conducted evaluations for various Governments and National and International NGOs.Conducted a research study as Principal investigator for Indian Council of Medical Research(ICMR) on "Sexual and reproductive health behaviours of HIV infected children in Karnataka" in 2013.

IBBA Surveys PBA Surveys - Co-designed, implemented and supervised the Integrated Behavioral and Biological assessment (IBBA) survey and Polling Booth Survey(PBS) of Karnataka State. Supervised data collection and analysis of HIV Sentinel Surveillance (HSS) of Karnataka State.

Panelist for various state TV channels and involved in more than 200 TV programs as Epidemiologist /Public Health Specialist debates, discussions,live sessions and special programmes on covid-19.

Nodal officer for Covid -19 for Akash Institute of Institute of Medical Sciences Bangalore which has admitted and treated 12,150 covid patients during covid pandemic. Conducted rapid assessment and evaluation of Tumkur Dist Covid activities for DME, Govt of Karnataka as team leader.

Member of Medical Colleges Covid-19 Task Force Committee for DME under Hon'ble Minister of Medical Education, Government of Karnataka. External Panel Member for BBMP death audit committee. Master Trainer for Covid-19 for training of health care professionals in Karnataka. Contributions to Manuals/ Policy guidelines/Modules- Integrated Training Module" for HIV/TB Collaborative Activities 2015 by Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Govt of India and "Journey of ART programme in India: Story of a decade: "National AIDS Control Organisation, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India.